Autism is a brain disorder, and every two and a half million children were born with. Children with autism will show that the withdrawal from the signs of their environment, there will be problems of communication. Is often confused with Aspergers syndrome, although similar in many ways, they are two different diagnoses. Signs of autism can be displayed in the twelve months of the younger children, it is usually prominent by the age of three. Also known as autism spectrum disorders or autism, and statistics show that more men than women were diagnosed with neurological abnormalities. Mulberry Shoulder Typically, a child can look very normal, until 3 years old, then suddenly they began to change their speech and social development of damage.
They will exhibit strange behavior and actions, communication difficulties, and some even become deaf, do not like being held. Some forces and the like, rather than their play toys or people occupy. Each case is individual, so that each child has a different combination of symptoms. Spectrum disorders and communication difficulties, it is their generally lower than average IQ. Mulberry Messenger About a quarter of these cases stand out in some areas such as math, art, music, and their IQ is well above average. It is very difficult to diagnose autism in adults, from any physical symptoms, but they understand the feelings of others, forming friendships, recognizing fear and behavior in social situations the appropriate question. Typically, they will self-destruct their own habits, can not understand the consequences of their actions.
Aspergers syndrome is a mild form of autism, and most of the same symptoms.About three years old is diagnosed with autism, Aspergers disease is usually much later. Replica Gucci Handbags Children will love with Aspergers isolation, display quirks, the way they speak a strange tone will be uncoordinated and clumsy and single minded in their interests. Is a high-functioning autism has been diagnosed with the disease, but still able to continue with life relatively unaffected. Aspergers disorder than this type of autism is considered moderate, so they can usually maintain fairly uninterrupted existence. Some people with Aspergers may not be seen as what is the difference in the community, but autism, they will in their actions and language can have more unique was the trouble to learn. This means they can experience more difficulties, decoration, or even discrimination.